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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Cindy and Melonie's CMAP Digital Imaging Processing.cmap, equalization can result in photon starved areas of data, scale of contrast known as window width, look-up table algorithms adjust the brightness, analog to digital converter converts light to a raw digital image, increased contrast along the edge of image can result in halo artifact, edge enhancement causes increased contrast along the edge of image, priori has 3 types, 3 types includes metal, Photostimulable Phosphor Plate exposed to x-rays, equalization can cause enhanced local contrast, raw digital image first adjusted by histogram analysis, Frequeny of Digital Values locates the Values of Interest, raw digital image can finally be adjusted by edge enhancement, histogram analysis has 2 types, raw digital image can finally be adjusted by equalization, raw digital image once enhanced, becomes A diagnostic digital x-ray image, electon energy processed by the CR Plate Reader, electon energy also called the latent image, histogram analysis distibution of the Frequeny of Digital Values, Photostimulable Phosphor Plate is inside of The Cassette
low contrast
How it works
look up table
PSP plate
plate and cassette